The most important genetic diseases

The most important genetic diseases 

Genetic diseases. The most common genetic diseases. Cause genetic diseases. All genetic diseases. Information on genetic diseases 
Genetic diseases more common among married born of their relatives are the diseases that doctors called the diseases transmitted by recessive inheritance (see inheritance recessive). The reason for this increase of transmission of genes is a sound common ancestors between the parents, and moves this gene non-sound (damaged) of that grandfather to his children and then to his grandchildren. If these two Alhvedan married to each other each and every one of them may give to a corrupted version of his sons when their son enrichment, the damaged gene, I have this child becomes Morothyn Matobin, which leads to a hereditary disease varies depending on the type of its kind, the gene transferred. And to point out here that even in diseases that are inherited recessive not be rate 
Examples of diseases prevalent disease Steinert: one of the most genetic diseases prevalent in the countries of Northern Europe, especially in the Netherlands, a disease that affects the hardware muscle and nerve, and start Awardah running at the age of 15 to 30 years old in muscle contraction severe, especially after the stress, does not include musculoskeletal disease, but also affects the organs hormonal and nervous. It may happen sometimes that gets pregnant crippling disease, and may also paralyze the facial muscles, and the patient loses the ability to speak. 

Also disease hyper cholesterol blood family, as the body's natural state is insufficient capacity to keep the proportion of cholesterol in the blood naturally, is done by the receptor protein, fat with low intensity, which carry cholesterol and remove it from circulation, and thus the absence of these receptors is responsible for a hereditary disease called hypersensitivity blood cholesterol. This disease leads to the high level of cholesterol in the blood, causing heart attacks in the relatively young age. Has concluded that this disease is transmitted as a pervasive trait determined by a single gene. 

As well as Huntington's disease, where it causes the gene responsible for this disease in the ongoing destruction of brain cells, leading to cramps, frequent and painful, as well as symptoms affecting the character of the patient. For this reason, the practice of early diagnosis on embryos is an important means to curb the disease. 

When should I be wary of inbreeding?. 

If the person knew that a family member, partner or family life, was born to him children with chronic disease at the beginning of life, which is frequently in the family, it means that there is a possibility that the disease genetically. In this case it is best to consult a doctor and study the condition and the frequency and conduct the necessary tests, and can then ascertain whether this disease, which is repeated in the family and genetically engineered or not. May not be disease and genetically, there is no possibility of transmission of the disease to their children. And therefore there is no danger of the marriage of relatives. 

If there was a possibility of a hereditary disease in the family, the doctor will explain the disease in detail, what is the percentage of serious injury to children? Is there a cure for this disease? Are there ways to detect whether a person is a carrier of the genetic factor or not the patient? What are the possibilities if he married his cousin? As we have said, even if the couple thinks they have the same genetic factor of the patient, the possibility of having children, patients is 25%. 

It must be pointed out that inbreeding is not evil, always, is not the reason for the spread of genetic diseases always, but can be spread of genetic diseases in the community between the children's relatives and the children of relatives, healthy, and this depends on the quality of genetic disease and the manner of its spread and the rate of spread. 

It is advisable to always conduct a medical examination before marriage if you want to marry a relative, son or uncle and aunt I'm the aunt, as well as when the existence of genetic diseases prevalent in society, such as sickle cell anemia and thalassemia, or any other genetic disease. 

Stories about genetic diseases: 

- Says a student in a university: my mother is the daughter of my father's maternal uncle, and thankfully there were no health problems for me or my brothers as a result of this relationship. But the problem started when my sister married the son of my aunt without any tests to ensure the integrity of this complex marriage, he wrote it to have a baby (Mongolian). 

- Tell (X. P) for a tragedy, says: associated with one of my relatives, and after attempts to continuously approved reluctantly did Tsena joy when we had routine tests prior to marriage, and the result was negative confirm the existence of a threat to our children in the future, and we found ourselves in front of the most difficult decision in our lives, and the risk and engage in a series of suffering, or to think realistically and separation, and we have chosen the second solution. 

- Salem have been married for 11 years, working as a driver, and his wife, the daughter of his uncle, who has five children, three of whom are infected with HIV growth, his daughter Fatima in the spring the seventh can not stand or walk, they are moving in hostile array, has no desire to go to school, not like that play with children, and nodded, did not speak a single word, her father says: offered on more than one doctor, but everyone unanimously agreed that due to genetic factor, and the benefit of treatment, I have not received any awareness towards the dangers of inbreeding. 

- Says one couples: When she married a relative of mine did not know about ourselves that we are carriers of the disease gene only when Onjbna kids diagnosed with broken blood genetic, and they have a blood transfusion every month, where I weep for the pain of my children, where they did not enjoy the vitality of life like other children. 

- Spoke of a spouse, saying: I've got a surf sickle-cell anemia, and held on a relative of mine, but I was surprised during her pregnancy by their exposure to pain. Predicted at the outset it was probably from the effects of pregnancy. How surprised was cruel to me when doctor told me that my wife surf infected blood cell. After Bisapti know the same disease has made no secret that my children will carry the same disease. After the birth of my wife's clear to me how the error committed by the right of myself and my wife and my child, I had forced to divorce for fear of having other children join me in the same suffering 

Last Update
5/23/2011 3:04:39 PM

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